Noémi, Adam
“Camden is the 3rd borough we’ve lived in 4 years, and with each move I’ve always felt a duty to embrace our neighbourhood as if we would live there forever.
When lockdown happened, at first I remember feeling super claustrophobic, with two of us home full time working away at opposite ends of our kitchen table 😂 and nowhere exciting to be.
Starting up @prettylittle_camden came out of my need to connect to this moment in time, to push myself each day to find something new to love and admire about where we are now.
Doing everything locally for the past few months has enabled us to create routines such as saying hi to the same security guards at Lidl, running into people in Cantelowes Gardens or lovely chats with Lucy and Malcolm @kentishtownstores - it almost feels like village life but in central London!”